Come Hang out with Us in LA!

Hello dear friends,

We are so excited to be hosting our first event in LA in just a few weeks. Retreats are one of the greatest joys of our work - nothing fires us up more than creating spaces for women in healthcare to feel celebrated, loved, and cared for and to cultivate opportunities for rest, reflection, and connection. At our upcoming mini-retreat in Santa Monica, we are excited for a morning of creativity (with an expressive arts project), grounding exercises, and honestly - fun! Community spaces are such a rarity in healthcare and it is our great privilege to organize them for our community.

If you're in the LA area (or wanting a reason to visit LA!), we'd love to have you.

With love and gratitude,

Anu & Laura

Join Us For Our Retreat!

Holding Paradox

"Interbeing is the understanding that nothing exists separately from anything else. We are all interconnected. By taking care of another person, you take care of yourself. By taking care of yourself, you take care of the other person. Happiness and safety are not individual matters. If you suffer, I suffer. If you are not safe, I am not safe. There is no way for me to be truly happy if you are suffering. If you can smile, I can smile too. The understanding of interbeing is very important. It helps us to remove the illusion of loneliness, and transform the anger that comes from the feeling of separation"

- Thich Nhat Hanh 

Laura and I want to acknowledge that while we feel immense privilege and joy for the ability to do this work, we also, simultaneously, feel deep sorrow, grief, and anguish over the loss of lives in Israel and Palestine, Sudan, and in the numerous situations around the world where families, communities, healthcare workers are threatened or in danger. In my spiritual practice of Buddhism, the concept of interbeing is core - that we are inexplicably interconnected. If you too feel grief, despair, hopelessness, know you are not alone. We are constantly feeling the tension and struggle of holding paradox - of the privileges we have, of the grief we feel at the suffering we witness at the bedside and around the globe, and also the joy that simultaneously exists. We are here for you - please reach out if you ever want to connect.

Anu Gorukanti

Anu Gorukanti (she/hers) is a pediatrician and one of the co-founders of Introspective Spaces. She offers her writings from the perspective of a cis-gender, heterosexual, second generation Indian-American immigrant woman who is a practitioner of Hindu & Buddhist philosophy. She is committed to working towards equity and justice through dismantling of structural oppression and focuses on creating spaces for authentic connection and community.


Embracing End of Life Conversations


Moving Through Grief