Let's Honor Mental Health Awareness Month!

We are so grateful to take the time to celebrate and honor Mental Health Awareness Month. Both Laura and I have navigated our own mental health challenges in our clinical roles and feel deeply about the necessity of de-stigmatizing mental health in healthcare. This week, we are excited to share the work of incredible folks and organizations who are working to increase access to mental health resources and build supportive networks of healthcare workers.

We also want to share the list of mental health resources on our website that was curated by our dear friend and therapist Erin Carnahan. This can be a great starting place for those looking to access mental health support!

If there are any other organizations you'd like for us to highlight, please let us know. We are grateful to be in community with so many wonderful kindred spirits.

What resources have you found to be helpful in supporting your mental health and well being? We would love to hear from you!

With gratitude,

Anu & Laura

Community Spotlights and Events for Mental Health Awareness Month!

Therapy Aid Coalition

TherapyAid Coalition is an incredible organization dedicated to providing free & low-cost short-term therapy sessions for U.S. healthcare professionals and first responders. If you, or anyone you know, is looking to access free or low-cost therapy, this is an incredible resource! 

Learn More Here

The Reflective Doc Podcast

Check out the awesome podcast of Dr. Jennifer Reid, psychiatrist, writer and all around awesome person. We had the opportunity to be featured on Jenna's podcast a few months ago and had a wonderful time!

Listen Here!

Don't Clock Out

Don’t Clock Out is building a national peer support network to address the mental health crisis amongst healthcare workers. Through providing resources & building community, we believe we can unravel the harm & begin the work of healing. Learn more about their incredible work building networks of support for healthcare workers. 

Learn more here!

Workshop for HCWs sponsored by the Gold Humanism SocietyFree Workshop: Grief Over Patient Loss: a collective debriefing through poetry and (June 13th @ 12-1:30 PM EST)

This workshop, hosted by the wonderful Amira Athanasios (@poetdoc) is part of the 2023 GHHS Well-being Workshop Series. This FREE workshop will provide healthcare workers with the opportunity to explore the topic of grief, including best practices and recommendations from the literature and review different types and models of grief.

Anu Gorukanti

Anu Gorukanti (she/hers) is a pediatrician and one of the co-founders of Introspective Spaces. She offers her writings from the perspective of a cis-gender, heterosexual, second generation Indian-American immigrant woman who is a practitioner of Hindu & Buddhist philosophy. She is committed to working towards equity and justice through dismantling of structural oppression and focuses on creating spaces for authentic connection and community.


How do you create space for healing?


What helps you feel refreshed?